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列昂纳多·达·芬奇曾经说过:“数学是一切科学的基础。” 英国圣比斯公学与英国杜伦大学教育学院合作独创了融合数学课,让学生不仅能够更高效掌握学习内容,还能够锻炼数学思维,提高数学应用的水平。我校融合数学100%保留了中国数学课程,既运用中国的数学资源与学习方法,也采纳了英式思维训练模式与课程体系,以夯实学生数学基础。我校将剑桥数学课程融入,提高学生数学应用的水平,通过任务型、活动性课堂发散学生思维,全面提升学生数学学习的深度与广度。学生在课堂中、竞赛中、活动中、游戏中都能得到数学思维的创造性培养。

Leonardo da Vinci once said, "mathematics is the basis of all science." St Bees School in the UK has created a unique fusion mathematics course Working in partnership with the School of Education of Durham University.  Our curriculum not only enables students master the content more efficiently, but also develop their skills in mathematical thinking and applications. Our Fusion Mathematics is built on the Chinese mathematics curriculum, using Chinese mathematics resources and learning methods. In addition, our course adopts the British thinking skill training and Cambridge mathematics syllabus to consolidate the students' knowledge base, as well as application levels. A great range of task-based classroom activities and international competitions stretch the depth and breadth of students' mathematics learning.


Our students won 10 awards including 3 Super Gold awards in Kangaroo Mathematics Competition.  Students won 20 awards including one national first prize in the Australian Mathematical Thinking challenge (AMC) . Our school is the official test centre for Kangaroo Mathematics, Australian AMC mathematics and American young chemist challenge. Building on the strong mathematical skills of our students, we develop effective students' creative thinking abilities which enable students move towards a broader scientific world in the future.