It is a great joy for the teachers to see every student has a great future. The autumn breeze not only brought us cool bursts, but also brought us the good news of the first batch of graduates in fusion class!
Daniel Wang同学首考获得了语数化A A*A
Jennifer Li同学首考获得了语数A* A*
Laura Xuan同学首考获得了语数AA
More than grades
They all have good grades and are house captains. In house activities, They set a good example for younger. They learned to choose the right people in competitions, and fully developed their leadership.
Other than that, everyone is unique. Jennifer is the master of the Discipline inspection and Learning Department. She won the silver in the UKMT. Laura is the lead singer in the school band and the mainstay of the string club, she also won the silver in the women's singles in the teacher-student Badminton Match. Daniel won the first prize in the Chinese Children's Painting and Calligraphy Competition. And He loves cooking and life.
Jennifer Li
Once you have the confidence, you can observe the world with sharp vision, contemplate on meaning of life with clear head, and create future with the poweer of wisdom.
Laura Xuan
I'm happy that in these years I've learned lots of things from my teachers and schoolmates. You made me who I am today. During my time at Brilliant Light School, I have had many opportunities to express myself, which has developed my ability to perform and speak in public. I also learned new instruments and skills. I really appreciate everything so much.
Daniel Wang
Unforgettable experiences come from hard work. Successful achievements come from perseverance. Today is my 1390th consecutive day of studying English. I have kept doing it for at least 30 minutes per day. By the hard work over the three years, my level of English keeps rising. I am at ease having conversations with foreigners and I often get rank A at practice test and I sometimes gets a A*. If you want to be successful ,you need to get to your goal step by step.
第一排从左至右:Jennifer, Laura, Daniel
Angela Hao
It is really hard to forget the struggling time. In the past two years, all the subject teachers explained the difficulties while the students have a tacit understanding of working hard. I also encouraged them not to give up when they were extremely stressed and depressed.
Where there is a will, there is a way. I felt very happy when I saw the results. In the global ESL test, the number of candidates who get grade B can only reach 25.7%, and our students all got B!
Therefore, I want to say to all the students: Only overcoming all the difficulties,can we meet the brilliant future!
School support
We provide nine-year and high quality fusion education. The vision of fusion class is to embody ethical values and behaviours, with a deep understanding of East and Western culture, paving the way to access the world leading universities for our children. BLS has advanced faculty, perfect fusion curriculum system, excellent facilities and equipment to help students be better.
"Students all over the world" is the common wish and the highest glory of teachers and schools. The impressive results obtained by students not only reflect the professional standards of the teachers, but also confirm the great success of BLS. Let’s express our sincere congratulations and thanks to the students who have achieved excellent results and the teachers who have worked hard behind them.
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